The Class of 2017 Moves In! Bike racks are all occupied.

The Class of 2017 Moves In! Bike racks are all occupied. Lines are a tiny bit longer again to get food. Books are being purchased. Tools are put away and summer time construction has dwindled down (well, nearly all of it). Automobiles filled up with boxes of garments and school supplies are now being directed around campus to halls that are residential. Moving carts, student ID cards, and eleventh hour trips to Target; folks, it’s officially Move-In time.
I was overwhelmed by the energy of the campus as I was walking the campus to take some pictures. Often I forget that I work at a university campus filled with dreamers, innovators, and future worldwide leaders. I found myself simply taking it all in while smiling at students and parents I have never met before. ( It might have been just a little weird, but hey, I became caught in a minute). Suddenly, I desired to travel back in time, go back to college and experience this all over again!
Yesterday morning, I saw the look of excitement and awe on the faces of first-year students as these people were entering their dorms for the very first time. Subsequently, I sensed a great amount of pride and a little bit of hesitation from moms and dads as they struggled to let their kids go. It is obvious that this brief moment is a milestone in most of the lives. Students look forward to their next four years at USC and wonder at all the possibilities it could bring, while parents feel a feeling of achievement simply because they were somewhat responsible so you can get their kids to college. With all of these emotions swirling on campus, I’m able to realise why there were therefore many hugs going around.
throughout the welcome convocation today, speakers stood in front regarding the incoming class of 2017 and gave suggestions about how to maximize of their time only at USC. I want to reiterate what Professor Harkness, from the Dornsife College, stated during her message: show up. It isn’t as easy in your own life as it sounds but you will be a better human being the sooner you can practice it. Towards the incoming that is new at USC and current kids; I challenge you to be present. Be there in your classes. Be there in your conversations. Be present as you research your options. Be present once you’re meeting new people. Be present when you write your personal statements. Be present when you study for your AP/IB tests. Be present when you take the tests. Show up when you ask her/him down. Be present in conflict. Be present in new challenges. Be contained in all of one’s experiences that are new activities. Take it all in. Be present!

Hey Parents! Listen Up!

Parents play a crucial role in the college process that is entire. Frequently times, parents help subsidize some, if not all, of going to an university, and are also always there to inquire of those specific ‘parent’ questions that you as students can’t be bothered with (actually mother, did you need to inquire of the tour guide when the past meningitis outbreak was?)

Nonetheless, there are instances where moms and dads must take a back seat and allow their sons and daughters to ask the difficult questions. Here, we now have a compiled a list of ‘dos and donts’ about parenting throughout the college application and search process:

Do help your son or child determine what they are looking for in a college, reminding them to consider location, size, academic programs, cost/financial help, etc. locating a good fit for your specific wants and needs is more important than the cachet of the name.

Don’t gather all of the information for them! Allow them to get hold of admission counselors to see the appropriate information for themselves. After all, they are going to be in college somewhere quickly enough, and it’s also important they learn to navigate the process themselves.

Do encourage your sons and daughters to go to college campuses, and include them on those tours! The way that is best to get acquainted with an university would be to result in the trip to campus.

Don’t check your sons and daughters in for campus tours, interviews, receptions, etc. Allow them do it! This shows us that they are mature and independent.

Do remind your sons and daughters that not receiving in to their very first option school may seem like the end of this world at that moment, but that things exercise and that they will be successful wherever they go provided that they work hard. And, encourage them to transfer if that institution remains at the top of these list even after enrolling somewhere else.

Don’t fill away their applications for them! We could tell plus it reflects poorly on the applicant. We realize that these are adults using and expect their applications to convey their voice that is true and.

So the moral is: find a balance. Realize that your child is mostly about to embark on a life-changing journey and that starting to just take ownership of the college application process is a good jumping off point. But, also rest assured that we are here to answer those tough ‘parent’ concerns, even if they involve where you should send the care package.